Pettenkoferstrasse 27A | D-80336 München | Phone  +49 (0)89 / 189 279 00 | Fax +49 (0)89 / 189 279 011 |




Law office Reithner
Mr. Florian Reithner lawyer
Pettenkoferstrasse 27A
D-80336 Munich


Phone:   +49-(0)89-18927900
Telefax:   +49-(0)89-189279011

Mr. Florian Reithner is accredited as a lawyer in the Federal Republic of Germany and is member of the bar association of the (upper district court) Oberlandesgerichtsbezirk München, Tal 33, 80331 München, Telephone +49-89-5329440. He is approved at the District Court of Munich and can plead your case at all the other district court and upper district courts in Germany.

The occupational title “Lawyer” was granted in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Responsible chamber:

Lawyers’ profession related rules:

Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO)
Berufsordnung (BORA)
Fachanwaltsordnung (FAO)
Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz (RVG)

Inspection of the above regulations as well as further information are available on the Internet under the
Website of the Federal Law Office (

The lawyer's liability insurance exists at Continentale Versicherung AG, Dortmund, under the number 0037441H57.

Liability and general tips for using this website:

All information on these websites is of general information and non-binding. It may not be a legal advice on any specific case. The different articles on these homepage are only opinions of the issuing author and are not a legal advice without liability. Please keep in mind that any uncoded email communication is unsafe regarding the content and the access of the email.

In case of adherence to a time limit please call the law office directly. For signing a client agreement the acceptance of the law office is required. If you may download judgments via the internet, please check the completeness and the accuracy of the text.

Links to third parties:

We would like to inform you explicitly that we have no influence on the content of the homepages of third parties which this homepage is connected; we also donot share the opinions of third parties' homepages. Links to homepages of third parties can change. If we realise that one link could be harm legal interests, we will delete the link if possible.


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Technical support of the website:
Ralf Vietze
Münchner Straße 123
85774 Unterföhring

Phone: +49 89 95094962
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